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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

What Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?     Behavioural therapy refers to a number of therapies or techniques used for treating mental health issues. The premise of behaviour therapy is that all behaviour is learned and, as such, any unhealthy or...
Dealing With Toxic Behaviours at Work

Dealing With Toxic Behaviours at Work

Toxic Behaviours At Work   Some people are very difficult to work with. Funnily enough – often the higher up the management chain the more difficult the personality. If you are really unlucky you may even get a boss that the media loves to call a “psychopath”....
How Do You Choose the Right Psychologist?

How Do You Choose the Right Psychologist?

OK so you’ve made the first step and you know you need to talk to someone – someone good, someone who can help – but how do you choose a psychologist? What should you look for? What’s important? Where do you start? Getting the right treatment and practitioner can help...
Forgiving Yourself: 10 Tips

Forgiving Yourself: 10 Tips

What does Forgiving Yourself Even Mean?   We all do things we are not proud of. Forgiving yourself and releasing the shame for the ways we have hurt or harmed others can be incredibly difficult. We all struggle with self-forgiveness. We tend to be harder on...
Environmental Wellbeing

Environmental Wellbeing

Environmental Wellbeing   We aim to provide a therapeutic space in which both the client and the practitioner can connect. Our nourishing environment is designed to support your journey. When I lived in the Perth Hills I experienced a profound sense of calm when...
Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual Wellbeing

What is Spiritual Wellbeing? When we talk about spiritual wellbeing this involves our personal values, our beliefs and our search for meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual wellbeing is based on three areas of life experience: 1. Relationships (including self-esteem,...
Psychological Wellbeing

Psychological Wellbeing

What is Psychological Wellbeing? Being healthy involves more than just having good physical health (although this is certainly an element) but also encompasses psychological health, which includes mental and emotional wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing has many...
Occupational Wellbeing

Occupational Wellbeing

What is Occupational Wellbeing? Occupational (or career) wellbeing refers to feeling good about the work you do. It is answering “yes” to the question “Do you like what you do each day?” It has many facets, including achieving a balance between work and leisure,...
Intellectual Wellbeing

Intellectual Wellbeing

Healthy Intellectual Wellbeing   We are curious by nature, and benefit by feeding our minds with new knowledge and experiences.    Healthy intellectual wellbeing can look like many things depending on the individual. You may be the kind of person who is...
Physical Wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing

Why Is A Healthy State Of Physical Wellbeing Important?   All things in the human body are connected; and as your physical health increases so does your experience of wellness across many of the other dimensions of wellbeing. A balance of mindfulness, exercise,...
Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health Massage may assist with depression, anxiety, insomnia and trauma reactions. It is a physical approach to improving your mental wellbeing. Massage can help your body relax. Care has been taken to ensure that the room provides a space...