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Healthy Intellectual Wellbeing


We are curious by nature, and benefit by feeding our minds with new knowledge and experiences. 


Healthy intellectual wellbeing can look like many things depending on the individual. You may be the kind of person who is inspired by creative pursuits. You may have an interest in science and mathematics or be interested in the human condition. Music may colour your life.

Your capacity to express yourself may increase when the intellect is in a healthy state and you have sufficient self-support. To explore what may be possible without getting too caught up in the end-result.

Critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity can be signs of intellectual wellbeing. Finding opportunities in life for innovative thinking, analysis, and problem-solving process can assist you to expand your knowledge and skills. You may discover what you are capable of and what may be possible in your future.

It helps when you feel the enthusiasm to learn and experience new things. Motivation, attention and concentration can impact intellectual wellbeing. These attributes can be especially important for academic activities and career progression.

Finding out what you are passionate about in life and weaving this into your life is likely to encourage and sustain your motivation, attention, and concentration-and keep your intellectual wellbeing healthy in the process.

Being social can be important for the intellect.

Stimulating conversation sparks thought, emotion, and connection between people. Cultural activities help us connect with others and widen our perspective of the world by understanding individuals’ views and thoughts. We are social creatures by nature, and exist in an interconnected society. Having opportunities to be exposed to differing viewpoints can assist us to build our capacity to be flexible and responsive to subtle social nuances and better consider others in our interactions.

Emotional Intellect

The capacity for rational thought and our capacity to delay our primal responses is what separates us from other animals. It is possible to apply what we know in the moment to better preserve our relationship with other people. To apply our wisdom. Thereby, potentially increasing one’s emotional intelligence. Emotional intellect has been linked to successful outcomes in both personally and professionally.



An important aspect of emotional intellect is having self-awareness. That is, having the capacity to identify your emotional state, your cognitions and your behaviour. Having insight into your responses in relation to the external environment and your impact on others.


When your intellectual wellbeing suffers

There can be a circular relationship between intellectual wellbeing and experiences of distress, including an anxious or low mood. When you are not challenged or stimulated by life you may begin to think that you are “stuck in a rut”, and feel apathetic about life. This may impact negatively on your mood, behaviour or feelings of self-worth.

On the flip side when you are in a low mood it can be difficult to drum up the motivation to do what you normally enjoy and feel passionate about. When you feel anxious often you are so caught up with negative thoughts and feelings you are left with little time for pleasant pursuits. Carrying thoughts about “not being good enough” or expecting perfection from
yourself can prevent you from taking a risk to try new things in life. Distressing circumstances in life can also impact your ability to be creative or find solutions to problems. In such circumstances it may be difficult to determine how to move forward on your own.


How can you increase Intellectual Wellbeing?

Increasing intellectual wellbeing starts with being open to new experiences and knowledge. It can be a simple breakthrough idea or event that creates a small shift in perspective, which reaches a domino effect the more thought one gives to it.


Wellbeing Therapy Space has supported many clients find these breakthroughs and begin life-changing journeys that have improved their intellectual and overall wellbeing. Our therapists can assist determine your self-limiting beliefs, behavioural patterns, and emotion led responses that hold you back in life.

If you wish to speak to one of our psychologists or counsellors please contact us –  1300 208 680 or info@wellbeingtherapysapce.com.au


Authors: Rebecca Dallard and Tijana Triunovich