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The Virtual Couch


Viviana Jancso, our Wellbeing Therapy Space Clinical Psychologist, is now available online through a secure and confidential virtual portal.

Call today and take a seat on our Virtual Couch.



Until COVID-19 there was limited interest in this concept and Medicare was not providing rebates for Telehealth services. Times have changed enabling Wellbeing Therapy Space to provide you with Telehealth sessions via The Virtual Couch.


A new way of connecting.

This idea was conceived by the principal psychologist, Rebecca Dallard, due to her desire to continue to connect with her clients while interstate. The Virtual Couch provides clients with access to counselling provided over a secure and confidential video link. The vision for The Virtual Couch was (and is) to have highly qualified psychologists, counsellors and therapists available in real-time for clients.


Access when you are in a remote location or self-isolating.

To provide an option for those in remote locations or without access to face-to-face therapeutic options. Small communities where individuals are uncomfortable seeing their therapist for a range of reasons. For example – the local counsellor just happens to be their wife’s best friend. It was thought that we could connect people that are not in the same physical location. With the possibility of couples counselling while one partner is on site in a donga and the other at home. Online counselling can also provide continuity care if you are FIFO.


Access during your lunch break.

Providing an option to see a therapist during your lunch break.
The aim is to provide a flexible and convenient therapy space, where you engage in sessions in a comfortable location. That location being one chosen by you.


Access from home and the workplace.

You may not be able to get to a therapist for traditional therapy. You may be too anxious or embarrassed to see someone face to face. You may feel you are more able to stay anonymous. You can connect privately with your psychologist via video link or video chat.


Effectiveness of online therapy?

More research is needed in this space; however, studies have indicated that cognitive behavioural therapy can be delivered effectively through internet or online counselling across a number of presenting issues.



Problems with online counselling.

There are circumstances where online counselling may not be appropriate, such as in cases of severe depression or psychosis. It is also more difficult for you to be accurately diagnosed virtually. It is important to recognise that your therapist may need to be more direct in checking your thoughts and feels as your non-verbal cues may be more difficult to assess.

Unfortunately, the use of technology comes with difficulties. Computers fail and internet connections are not perfect. This is especially the case in more remote locations. The success of online sessions will be in part determined by your computer skills and knowledge.

While we will do our best to prevent this from occurring it is possible that technical issues that may disrupt your session. It is best to expect this likelihood prior to engaging in online counselling.


Confidentiality, security and ethical practice.

Wellbeing Therapy Space is committed to ethical practice in this emerging space. Only qualified and registered psychologists with accreditation will deliver the service.

We prioritise the confidentiality of our clients. We have a secure telehealth platform to deliver online counselling to ensure that all the required physical, network, and process security measures are in place and followed.

Your safety is a priority and we will request that you to provide your physical address where the video session is to be carried to ensure that the psychologist can respond in the event of an emergency.


How affordable it is?

The Virtual Couch sessions will be priced at our normal counselling rates. Call us on 1300 208 680 to find out more.


How do I pay?

We will use Halaxy (our cloud-based secure payment system) to process your payments. Halaxy uses bank-grade security and 256-bit encryption. Information is encrypted and stored securely. You can also direct debit into our account at the start of the session.


Can I get a rebate from Medicare?

An announcement was recently made that in response to COVID-19 clients will now have access to Medicare rebated sessions provided over the internet assuming that they have a Mental Health Care Plan and referral from their GP.

What do I need for my appointment?

Your practitioner will provide you with instructions for your Telehealth appointment on The Virtual Couch.


Suggestions for the optimal session outcome.

– Consider your session location – ensure it is private and that you are not likely to be disrupted
– Prepare your computer beforehand ensuring a good internet connection and that you have your camera and microphone enabled
• Restart your computer before your Virtual Couch session commences
• Have a strong WIFI connection or use an ethernet cable


Contact us today on 1300 208 680 to find out more…