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What is Spiritual Wellbeing?

When we talk about spiritual wellbeing this involves our personal values, our beliefs and our search for meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual wellbeing is based on three areas of life experience:

1. Relationships (including self-esteem, connection to others and a connection to a Higher Power)
2. Personal values
3. A purpose in life

At a fundamental level, humans are spiritual beings. Spiritual wellbeing is an important part of our physical, mental, and emotional health. Through spirituality, we become empowered and realise we are not defined by our circumstances.

Although the terms spirituality and religion are often viewed as interchangeable, they are actually distinct concepts. You can be spiritual without attending a religious institution; likewise you can be religious without having a connection to spirituality. While spiritual wellbeing can be obtained through religion, it is actually much broader and involves learning to be kinder and less judgemental through gratitude, compassion and forgiveness. It is a journey to discover meaning and purpose.

Why is Spiritual Wellbeing important?


Your spiritual wellbeing or health is more significant than you may think. The basic foundation of spirituality is that life is meaningful and you have a place and purpose in it. This search for meaning and purpose in life leads us to strive for harmony within ourselves and with others.

Some of the many benefits of spiritual wellbeing include:

• A sense of contentment with your circumstances
• Creating alone time as you search for inner peace
• Taking time to reflect, and so working towards resolving some of your life’s issues
• Finding satisfaction
• Taking part and feeling like you belong
• Gaining some control over your life
• Building relationships
• Accepting life’s challenges and growing from them
• Finding purpose and meaning

Assessing your Spiritual Wellbeing.

What does your spiritual wellbeing look like?

• Do you make time for daily relaxation?
• Do you make time for meditation or prayer?
• Do you value your decisions?
• Do you accept the views of others?
• Do you understand your own motivations?
• Do you have strong, clear values?
• Do you have a positive outlook and hope for the future?
• Do you see meaning, fulfilment and purpose in life?
• Do you forgive others and accept yourself?
• Do you have an acceptance of death?
• Do you have a sense of self-worth?

A “no” answer may indicate an area of your spiritual wellbeing that needs work.

Tips to achieving Spiritual Wellbeing

So how can you grow your spiritual health?

• Take quiet time for self-renewal
• Be open to spirituality and spiritual experiences
• Search for answers – be inquisitive and curious
• Embrace mystery – be open what can’t be explained
• Be receptive to your grief and pain
• Practise acceptance and minimise judgement (of others and yourself)
• Forgive or let go
• Practise compassion (for yourself and others)
• Look for, celebrate, and embrace joy


To find out what spirituality means to you, ask yourself:

• Where do you find purpose, and meaning in life?
• What gives you hope?
• What gets you through the hard times?
• How do you cope with loss?
• Where do you find comfort?
• What fills you with wonder?

Using meditation to assist with spiritual wellbeing:

Research shows that meditation can help us with introspection and regulating our emotions. Use deep, slow breathing or meditation for as little as five minutes per day.

If you would like to discuss strategies to improve your spiritual wellbeing give Wellbeing Therapy Space a bell at by calling 1300 208 680 or emailing us info@wellbeingtherapyspace.com.au

Author: Claire Mansveld of Hey Zeus! Creative