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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

What Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?     Behavioural therapy refers to a number of therapies or techniques used for treating mental health issues. The premise of behaviour therapy is that all behaviour is learned and, as such, any unhealthy or...
How Do You Choose the Right Psychologist?

How Do You Choose the Right Psychologist?

OK so you’ve made the first step and you know you need to talk to someone – someone good, someone who can help – but how do you choose a psychologist? What should you look for? What’s important? Where do you start? Getting the right treatment and practitioner can help...
Forgiving Yourself: 10 Tips

Forgiving Yourself: 10 Tips

What does Forgiving Yourself Even Mean?   We all do things we are not proud of. Forgiving yourself and releasing the shame for the ways we have hurt or harmed others can be incredibly difficult. We all struggle with self-forgiveness. We tend to be harder on...
Am I Burnt Out?

Am I Burnt Out?

What is Wrong with Me? Why Do I Feel Like This?   Lacking Energy? Can’t Get Out of Bed? Difficulty Sleeping? Constantly Grumpy? No Motivation? …Could you be burnt out?   Burnout has become a real buzzword. You often hear people casually say “I’m so...
Do I Have Anxiety?

Do I Have Anxiety?

What is Anxiety and How Much is Normal?   We all experience anxiety at some time in our lives. We feel nervous, worried or apprehensive about an event or situation, maybe a test, the pressure at work or a relationship issue. Usually, the anxiety ends when the...
Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health Massage may assist with depression, anxiety, insomnia and trauma reactions. It is a physical approach to improving your mental wellbeing. Massage can help your body relax. Care has been taken to ensure that the room provides a space...
Frustrating Things All Kids Do

Frustrating Things All Kids Do

6 Frustrating Things All Kids Do (And then a few extra) Little known fact: The 26th of February is “For Pete’s Sake”, a day commemorating all things, situations and people that make you cry out in exasperation and annoyance. I thought, as it’s official and all, I...