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LGBTI, Gender And/Or Sexuality In Teens

LGBTI, Gender And/Or Sexuality In Teens

LGBTIQ Issues In Teenagers   Belonging and fitting in is the central point to any child and teenager lives. At a time when young people are keenly aware of the social structures within society, they are already feeling delicate and vulnerable; if there are...

Rumination: What Is It And How Do I Stop Doing It?

Rumination: What Is It And How Do I Stop Doing It?

What Is Rumination? When someone ruminates, they repetitively think about their perceived past mistakes, their character shortcomings, wrongs, and generally negative events and circumstances. When ruminating, it is common to think over and over again about the causes,...

Environmental Wellbeing

Environmental Wellbeing

Environmental Wellbeing   We aim to provide a therapeutic space in which both the client and the practitioner can connect. Our nourishing environment is designed to support your journey. When I lived in the Perth Hills I experienced a profound sense of calm when...

Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual Wellbeing

What is Spiritual Wellbeing? When we talk about spiritual wellbeing this involves our personal values, our beliefs and our search for meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual wellbeing is based on three areas of life experience: 1. Relationships (including self-esteem,...

Psychological Wellbeing

Psychological Wellbeing

What is Psychological Wellbeing? Being healthy involves more than just having good physical health (although this is certainly an element) but also encompasses psychological health, which includes mental and emotional wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing has many...

Occupational Wellbeing

Occupational Wellbeing

What is Occupational Wellbeing? Occupational (or career) wellbeing refers to feeling good about the work you do. It is answering “yes” to the question “Do you like what you do each day?” It has many facets, including achieving a balance between work and leisure,...

Preventing Psychological Injuries

Preventing Psychological Injuries

Preventing Psychological Injuries In My Workplace: What Are They, Why Are They Important and Where Do I Start?   Changes To OH&S Legislation Western Australia, along with other states and territories, will soon adopt changes to their health and safety...

Intellectual Wellbeing

Intellectual Wellbeing

Healthy Intellectual Wellbeing   We are curious by nature, and benefit by feeding our minds with new knowledge and experiences.    Healthy intellectual wellbeing can look like many things depending on the individual. You may be the kind of person who is...

Physical Wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing

Why Is A Healthy State Of Physical Wellbeing Important?   All things in the human body are connected; and as your physical health increases so does your experience of wellness across many of the other dimensions of wellbeing. A balance of mindfulness, exercise,...

Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health

Massage Therapy and Mental Health Massage may assist with depression, anxiety, insomnia and trauma reactions. It is a physical approach to improving your mental wellbeing. Massage can help your body relax. Care has been taken to ensure that the room provides a space...

Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing

Financial Crisis   Your financial situation plays are large part in meeting your basic needs. These needs include shelter (safety), food/water and clothing. Other important needs include access to healthcare, education and sanitisation. When you are unable to...

Frustrating Things All Kids Do

Frustrating Things All Kids Do

6 Frustrating Things All Kids Do (And then a few extra) Little known fact: The 26th of February is “For Pete’s Sake”, a day commemorating all things, situations and people that make you cry out in exasperation and annoyance. I thought, as it’s official and all, I...

Resilience and Children

Resilience and Children

What Is Resilience? Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” from different stressors, hardships, trauma and other personal challenges in life. If someone is resilient, it does not necessarily mean that they are unaffected by the event in their lives. It means that...

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