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It’s normal to feel a sense of stagnation in your job, and it’s reasonable to seek out help to reboot your career. Coaching is a life-affirming forward-looking process that aims to help you realise your potential. Essentially it involves conversations that foster self-belief, possibility, energy, and motivation. These conversations centre around change and can mobilise you to create what you want in both your career and personal life.


Why Should I Consider An Executive Coach?


1. To Re-define what success looks like in your career.

If you’ve plateaued, feel de-energised about your current role, or believe you could benefit from a fresh perspective, then book a coaching session. Work with a coach to re-assess and re-define what success means to you. Map out a path to achieving that success and create an action plan to go after what you want.


2. Review Your Values And Align With Your Career.

Knowing and living congruently with your career values correlates with a greater sense of wellbeing and life satisfaction. Can you articulate your top 5 career values? If not, work with a coach to identify your values and assess how and when you can put these into action in your current or future job. Defining your career values is a quick way to establish if you’re in the right job or career or if you need to modify your current role or change direction altogether.


3. Explore If Your Job Is A Good Fit For You.

Could you benefit from a discussion about whether you’re maximising your skills, knowledge, and experience in your current role? Job crafting is a strategy aimed at boosting your job satisfaction and creating a role where you truly thrive. Modifying the tasks you perform to align more closely with your strengths and passion is a way of customising your role. Work with a coach to determine what this could look like and how this might work in your current or future position.


4. Help Bring More Clarity to Confusion.

Making decisions, sharpening your ideas, and moving through procrastination can be difficult and time-consuming processes. Working with a coach can help accelerate the process while giving you greater clarity and purpose. Decision making is made easier when you can work out if your decisions bring you closer to your career values or push you further away. Decision making based simply on the pros and cons can be ineffective. Your coach can also help you to sharpen and articulate your ideas and work with you to pitch these ideas in a way that resonates with the people in your organisation. Serial procrastination almost always has payoffs. Work with your coach to uncover these payoffs and move towards greater authenticity; don’t let your
procrastination de-rail your career.


5. Examine How You Want Others To Perceive You.

An important question your coach will ask is “How do you want to show up?” This question is relevant to any role such as leader, learner, personal assistant, manager or team member. It’s an opportunity for you to consider your intention; that is, how do you want to be perceived in your role and what energetic intention are you projecting? Exploring how you want to show up is a powerful process and involves more than just the tangible elements of your body language, tone of voice, presentation, listening skills, and demeanour. It involves the less visible elements of your accountability, reliability, and commitment to the culture of the organisation. How you show up speaks volumes for how you treat and value the people around you; it articulates your integrity and your capacity to make a positive contribution at work. Exploring how you want to show up in your career is one of the most important questions you can work on with your coach.


To obtain help with any or all of the above consider a coaching appointment with Alison Bickell,  email her directly (alison.bickell@bigpond.com) to find out more.


Author: Alison Bickell